5ive Songs About Gravity

This month's theme is so obvious, it's a force of nature. And like time, it's the same for every "body." Or is it? Some let it get them down while others defy it.

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Gravity (Tony C. and the Truth)
"The weight of the world ain't enough to hold us down." Their name sounds like a gospel group, but their sound is far from it.

Goin' Down (The Yardbirds)
Blues song from the 50s done by white kids from the UK in the 60s. Jeff Beck did it again in the 70s and SRV in the 80s (hear it on the full playlist).

Anti Gravity (Incubus)
Gravity is a serious matter. But if something isn't that serious, does that make it anti-matter? A little levity can be a good thing.

Gravity (Circleslide)
Back down to earth with this title, but they actually sing about breaking the law.

Defying Gravity (Stephen Schwartz, Kristin Chenoweth)
This isn't anything at all what I thought it was going to be.

Listen to the also rans at Playlist.com/MultimediaJones

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